Thursday, September 8, 2011

Day 2 LCD

So, yesterday went pretty well! I ate well during the day and for dinner I made some mock tacos which had my 100g of 93/7 ground beef !(oh and in case you're wondering 100g is actually about 3.5 oz for us americans lol) and some onion. I put that mix on some romaine lettuce which were my "taco shells" and it was pretty tasty. I went a little overboard with the red pepper flakes so it was deliciously hot BUT last night was a tad bit difficult in terms of cravings. I think the realization that I can't drink or really eat the things I LOOVE (aka the things that made me this way lol) right now really slapped me in the face! I had a horrible craving for some ice cream and visions of a frosty mug of beer kept floating around my brain. But luckily, Chris talked me through it like a good support person should do. I swear it is seriously like being addicted to crack sometimes! So, I must also discuss the bad with the good... The pee has arrived. Seriously since 4 am I have seriously gone pee like 10 times. I wish I was making that number up! Also, I am having headaches. Nothing horrible, but nonetheless still having headaches. This is in the "Pounds and Inches" book as a side effect as your body detoxes but it's still annoying. I've been trying to not take anything but I may break down and take an asprin tonight when I get off work.
Now for the good stuff. I am down a total of 5.2 pounds from the first day (loading day #1). As I said yesterday, I was down 2 pounds yesterday, and this morning when I woke up I was down 3.2 pounds! That doesn't suck. I am going to start putting inches lost on here, but I'm only going to measure once a week so I don't become obsessed. :)
Alright, so food today so far
half a grapefruit with stevia
100g of ground beef (left overs from last night)
one melba toast
and so far 1.5 liters of water
I'm doing alright today so let's see what tomorrow brings!!

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